Ok, searching for all of you on Facebook is tiring.
I have spent about an hour looking for TWO people, that`s right David Richardson and Kevin Davis, I spent an hour looking for you guys. Do you know how many Kevin Davis`s and David Richardson`s there are on FB? A lot, that`s how many...
So please find me on FB and then we can become FB buddies. If Paris and Nichole can be BFF`s (best friends forever) we can be FBB`s (FaceBook Buddies). Search for me by typing Incredibly handsome house-husband. Ok, just kidding, search for Francois Malherbe.
I look forward to poking you.... (Just kidding he he, there`ll be no poking on FB)
Sweets, are you trying to increase your friend list?
Ummmmm, NO! How dumb...
Ok, yes...
Hi there new FBB! :)
No fair on the TV Show Poll...There are like 4 that are my favs.
The Office, Lost, Friends, SATC,
Hi there FBB :)
I know the poll is quite tough. That`s why I just picked the shows and will refrain from voting, too difficult to chose. If I was forced to, I`d probably pick Damages. I love that show. But then again, I love Friday Night Lights, Lost, friends, The Office etc etc too, so I`d rather not vote!
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