We`re into week three of our "living in different cities until I can get the move sorted" or LIDCUICGTMS for short. The good news is that we have gotten a lot done and it looks like the move will take place in the second half of February, which cannot come soon enough.
I hate being apart from Hayley and speaking on the phone just doesn`t do it. I think both of us are getting a tad irritable cos the situation is starting to get to us now. But, it`s something that has to be done, so the sooner we can get through it the better.
Which brings me to the point of this post. As I`ve mentioned in previous posts, Hayley has a few quirks. I love her for it! She is definitely the most interesting* person I know.
We have obviously been on Blackberry Messenger quite a lot cos it saves money on those silly little phone calls like:
"What you doing?"
"Watching tv, you?"
"Me too"
"How`s about them Redsox"
So, as you can imagine, we chat quite a bit by text message. Now this is the point (finally I can hear you say), Hayley never, ever uses the short ok when she sends a text message. She always types the full one, okay. No matter how much in a hurry she is, she will NEVER use the short ok. Now I have no idea why, haven`t even discussed it with her but I find it so sweet that she always uses the full one.
I know, it sounds silly but it`s those little things that make me love her!
*Interesting = funny = weird.
Cool post... and really telling that you miss each other. Believe you're looking for a house in my stomping ground. Will keep an ear to the ground..
Hey Rambler! Thanks for popping in and more importantly for the offer! Ja, Hayley is struggling to find something and I have spent many an hour on the web.
So if you know of a nice house going somewhere in Benoni, it`ll be awesome!
OKAY, I`m sorry....
Okay, ok, k? Kinda like cause and cos - or maybe that is USA and SA?
Lol @ Kevin! Yes Kevin, just like USA and SA... :D
Well we just use 'k' in amongst my sis, my mom and I! So maybe Hayley has TOO MUCH TIME on her hands hence the ability to physiclly type 4 whole letters! LOL
Funny, intereting post - I love idiosyncratic stuff.
That's a very sweet post.
mmm, Why Benoni? I'm trying to get Rambler out of there (long story).
Good Luck though!
Hey Mel, no doubt she`s got too much time on her hands!
Hey Frank, let`s just say Hayley has the swing vote....
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